> accesschk.exe /accepteula -flag [FLAG]
# -u: suppress errors | -q: quiet; no banner | -v: verbose
# -w: write access objects only
# -c: windows service <>
# -d: directory <>
# -k: registry key <>
> icacls [FILE|DIR] [FLAG]
# /T - traverse all dir and files within the folder
# /grant USER:PERM
# /setowner USER
# configuration of service
> sc.exe qc SERVICE
# status of service
> sc.exe query SERVICE
# modify config
> sc.exe config SERVICE <key>= <value>
# start / stop / restart
> net [start/stop] SERVICE
> sc [start/stop] SERVICE
PS> Restart-Service -Name SERVICE
# is exe running with admin?
> tasklist /V | findstr FILE.exe