pnpt exam review

Exam date: 12/15/2021 - 12/17/2021.

Debrief: 12/20/2021 (Passed)

Post Exam Review

To be honest, this exam is a really close emulation of a real world pentest. OSINT + Active Directory and post-compromise enumeration, all were perfect and fun to do while in an exam environment.

I'll keep this really short. Considering I passed the OSCP exam like a month before, I did not do the Linux & Windows Privilege Escalation courses; focussed only on Practical Ethical Hacking (PEH), OSINT and Pentest External Playbook; All of which is excellent.

I however did think I need to get faster while using the tools so made a list of few boxes which I did and all taught me something different and were good practice.

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