rconfig management

Default Creds


Interesting Paths


Change Admin Pass (Auth Bypass)

v 3.9.3 | 3.9.4 | 3.9.5

# update vars in file
# option 2 changes admin password admin:Testing1@

Manual Reverse Shell

  • https://gist.github.com/farid007/9f6ad063645d5b1550298c8b9ae953ff

  1. Login > /vendors.php > Add Vendor > .php as Vendor Logo

  2. Burp the Content-Type to image/gif

  3. File is uploaded at /images/vendor/shell.php?cmd=whoami

  4. revshell will auto invoke on page refresh

Authenticated RCE

v3.9.4 | 3.9.3

  • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/48207

RCE to root <=3.9.4

  • https://github.com/v1k1ngfr/exploits-rconfig

Performs chained execution to root

  1. CVE-2019-19509 : authenticated RCE

  2. CVE-2019-19585 : Local Privilege Escalation (root)

  3. CVE-2020-10220 : unauthenticated SQLi

Last updated